Hello Amiga Users, I am one of the proud (?!) owners of a MANNESMANN TALLY MT 420 D matrix printer. Special features: does not work with any of the printer drivers on the standard Workbench disk. So I finally decided to write a printer driver with PrtDrvGen. I succeeded partially. On this disk you will find the result of my efforts. The printer needs a non-ANSI Escape Sequence to switch into graphics mode. But PrtDrvGen does not request this parameter. So I finally put it into the parameter which asks which commands to send to the printer before printing graphics (you know..."before 3 sec delay" & "after 3 sec delay"...I think it's parameter 251 and 252). But in other drivers, the graphics mode on command is not in 251, 252. Where on earth is it ??? Well, the printer SOMETIMES prints graphics, sometimes not. If you run the program InitPrinter (in the system drawer on the Workbench) it does print graphics. If you don't run it, the printer doesn't. I don't understand that... Is there anybody out there who also has a MT420D and can help me ??? Please drop a note to the address below. Or if anybody knows where to put the graphics mode on command in, please write me !!! -Bilbo My Address: Sascha Wildner Am Druvendriesch 27 5030 Huerth 6 WEST-GERMANY And please excuse my English. Good night.